In San Jose for SaaStr? Cocktails with SaaS partnership leaders

We’re in town for SaaStr. Let’s meet for drinks!
Meet SaaS partnership leaders Tuesday, Feb 5, 5-8pm
So many Cloud Software Association members are coming to San Jose for SaaStr Annual.
Let’s face it, it’s really hard to find our SaaS partnership peers at big events like this.
We’ve got your back—let’s get together.
Kick off your week with success. We’re buying cocktails and food for SaaS partnership and marketing leaders for anyone in the Bay Area Tuesday February 5-8pm. It’s the best room all week to meet your peers.
We will make introductions.
Why fret about breaking the ice? We will connect you with the other registrants of our cocktail party so you can make the best use of your time that week.
The best room to meet all SaaS partnership leaders in San Jose, Feb 5
Drinks, food, introductions.
It’s us being awesome.. for you! So do us a favor.
Invite your partners to come so you know where to find them. The more the merrier.
I’m in San Jose for SaaStr Annual. Let’s meet up! I’m getting together with the other SaaS partnership leaders for drinks. Come join me and get introduced. Thanks to the Cloud Software Association. 🙂 https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/saas-connect-cocktails-tickets-54990315514